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RCS – Decarbonising our business operations:
We are pleased to point out to anyone who doesn’t know us, that our carbon footprint has ALWAYS been relatively low because ….. unlike other Consultants, ……….

a) we all work from home (and have for 35 years), therefore do not have any “home to office” fossil fuel consumption
b) do not encourage renewal of vehicles (all staff run their own well-maintained vehicles) and RCS do not own any Company vehicles.
c) we refurbish, upgrade or repair equipment before we renew, whilst keeping all resources to the highest standard available.
d) we obtain local materials and supplies before national ones, to reduce miles travelled by lorries.
e) travel by staff to client offices and sites is minimised as far as is practicable and kept to essential people only, taking information back and reporting to colleagues as necessary.
f) as a result of the above we do not have central offices requiring high maintenance and fuel costs.

The current statistics are:-
C02 Emissions reports for RCS Vehicle use and Office Energy use (Electricity / Gas):
Annual Total (2017) 18.48 Tonnes (Benchmark year) / Annual Total (2018) 15.75 Tonnes
Annual Total (2019) 12.74 Tonnes / Annual Total (2020) 9.81 Tonnes / Annual Total (2021) 6.61
Reductions from the benchmark year of 2017 for years 2018 and 2019 have been achieved against
year on year parity in Company Turnover. The reductions achieved for years 2021 and 2021 should
be weighed with the following factors:
• 10% reduction in Company Turnover
• Vehicle use CO2 reduction during 2021 attributable in part to Coronavirus lockdown periods.

RCS Top Management envisage that this reduction can be sustained particularly if Clients continue to
use remote meetings and minimise attendees as much as possible.